Apr 19, 2011

Interview Lizzie Armanto

Lizzie Armanto - Skate Pro
Lives in Santa Monica
Born in Los Angeles
I had the pleasure of bumping into Lizzie Armanto at the Tony Alva skate show last month. She is incredibly humble and has a great head on her shoulders. By the end of our interview she showed me a short skate/travel video of her spring break trip to Florida she herself, shot and edited all on her iphone. It reminded me of rolling down a water park wet slide, hilarious too.

KC Girls and skateboarding, it may seems like the norm but how many girls on a typical day do you see in the bowl with you?
LA - Few - to none

KC What do girls wear? It's fascinating to see the changes in skater styles. You mentioned cutting up a trash bag to make it into a t-shirt. LA I wear what I like, I'm a jeans & a T-shirt kind of girl but I usually alter clothes I get, to my liking and make it my own. I like girly clothes on occasions too. I try to find clothes that are form fitting, yet have air flow and I try to avoid grey for the sweat factor.

KC You mention street skating, ramps, pools, coves, xgames, what's your stick? (This question is kinda confusing)
LA My home park is the Santa Monica Cove. My favorite park is at the Block in Orange, where's home to the Combi pool.

KC What does your grandmother think?
LA She think I'm too fragile to do be in this sport, but I've ended up proving her wrong and she supports me now.

KC What would you say to other girls who are contemplating becoming a pro skater?
LA Find your niche and stick to it, be who you are.

KC Tell us about your design you markered up on the recycled skateboard. 
LA The design is based on the sea monster Charybdis of Greek mythology.  Originally a water nymph, and the goddess of the tide.  She best was known to ride onto the land, flooding and inundating towns, forests and beaches alike.  The heart is the connection between Scylla and Charybdis, the sinkable sea monsters. 

KC Where to next?  Graduation, College?
LA Hawai this week.  Wind up the year and perhaps SMC
I'd love to find a major sponsor and possibly see what I can make of myself in the film industry.